
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wednesday 19th June 2013 - Forecast

Wednesday is proving to be a hard one to interpret. Early on Tuesday, it became evident that there was probably going to be some stormy weather for Wednesday and as I expected, the day remained dry and muggy. However, towards the evening (around 6pm) the clouds broke and the air became a little lighter and within half an hour the temperatures had propped slightly.

My forecast for tomorrow hasn't changed much though and it is as follow; there will be some very tropical style stormy weather in store (especially if there is an early cloud cover, so keep your eyes peeled). The wind will have reduced, especially as the day wears on, however there may be the occasional breeze and possibly a bit of heavier wind for brief spells in the morning. As for the storm itself, I will be expecting similar weather to that at the South of England show two weeks ago this Friday, the water will fall in larger drops than usual, there will be more of them and of course they will travel faster. Towards the end of the day, I'm expecting it to brighten up , with temperatures reaching their low twenties.

As for the rest of the week, I am not keen to look too far ahead but I would hope that my prediction of some nicer weather towards the end of the week will be correct, this is because the stormy weather for tomorrow is being caused by the low-pressure front that has seated itself across the south, will meet with the high pressure area coming in from the South-East, when they meet, the two fronts will go over and under each other, the high-pressure, warm air will rise overhead, whilst the low-pressure front currently seated overhead will slide down slightly, causing a weather pattern know as frontal rainfall, which usually produces heavier rain than the more common relief rainfall seen in this country, but it also produces muggy conditions, as demonstrated on Tuesday and probably on Wednesday.

There will probably be more updates for Wednesday, as the scene unfolds.

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