
Monday, June 17, 2013

GM Wheat Mystery

GM wheat has been found growing on a farm in Oregon (for evidence check this link:GM wheat evidence). The research programme into GM materials was abandoned nine years ago and GM products have never been approved for commercial use anywhere in the world.

The farm in question has caused a bit of a calamity, with countries including Japan and South Korea suspending their imports of US wheat and checking previous imports for the GM material. How the crop got to where it is is still a mystery, but it begs the question: who else is doing it too?

Monsanto say that all GM material from their programme nine to ten years ago was destroyed in 2004 and that they had no idea how it had got to the farm, as it was not part of their programme. This begs another question: are people creating their own GM crops? Unlikely though this is, the crop obviously came from somewhere so all possibilities need to explored to find an explanation.

For further information on GM wheat, please visit this link:GM wheat info.
For further reading around the Oregon GM wheat scandal, please visit this link:Further reading.

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