
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Immune System Boosts

'Cancer' The word always has a slight ring to it, it's deadly and supposedly virtually impossible to remove, because it keeps growing back. Immune system boosts have caused 54 out of 135 or 40% of people to recover or improve greatly, even with the most severe form of skin cancer; melanoma. Although only skin cancer treatments have been carried out, there is no reason why they should not use the same principles for other cancer as you will soon find out.

There is no reason why our immune system shouldn't be able to remove cancer on its own. This is because cancer is a foreign medium and the T-cell antibodies in our immune system remove foreign mediums. It's not that simple though, as you will well know, cancer patients don't just kick the disease and they still don't kick it with help. This is because cancer disguises itself as non-foreign, or local as such. They do this by releasing a surface molecule or ligand. The ligand reacts with the PD-1 on the antibodies (PD-1 is a kind of receptor that, if activated will cause the antibodies to ignore the cancer cells).

To stop this from happening, patients are given medication known as immunotherapy which, in effect, reboots the immune system which can blow the cover of the cancer cells.

Two of the drugs blocked the ligand on the cancer cells, these are called Lambrolizumab and Nivolumab and a third blocked the PD-1 receptor on the antibodies. All three of the treatments were successful at combating melanoma, with the stats showing that many patient's tumors reduced at least half and in some cases (statistics vary for each drug), patients with the highest doses saw their tumors vanish entirely.

As for how the other treatments work, both radio and chemotherapy give your immune system a little extra pizazz to help fight the cancer, instead of helping your immune system actual see the cancer.

It seems to be a huge leap forward for cancer research and, with some improvements,it may start to help eradicate cancer.

For statistics etc on Lambrolizumab please visit this link.
For statistics etc on Nivolumab please visit this link.

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