
Sunday, June 16, 2013


Disturbing volcanoes Seattle based Alta Rock energy are on course to tempt fate!The US have given the 'all clear' to start an eruption, (only a possibility). Alta Rock have started pumping water into a network of cracks, that lead 3 km down to Oregon's Newberry Volcano.

Alta Rock will appear to be using the volcano as a supper-sized kettle, which they are to a certain extent, because the water that is injected into the volcano will eventually return to the surface as water vapor.

However, the real energy is to be gained from naturally convecting water, under the Earth's surface. There is one drawback to this, and that is that most of this geothermal energy is found within impermeable, hot rocks!The Newberry project is known as an EGS, or enhanced geothermal system. This basically means that they will use high pressured water to try to wear away the impermeable layers of rock, to release the vapor from within. once the vapor reaches the surface, it will drive turbines, thus creating household energy at a competitive price.

If all goes well, the testing period will end in 2014, and they will go ahead with the plans.

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